Pharmora Journal Club: as sure as eggs is eggs?

Pharmora Journal Club: as sure as eggs is eggs?

By Sheila Halder Many of us enjoy an egg for breakfast, lunch, or supper, and as scientists we quite reasonably take a moment to think about our food: how does the way we store it and cook it have an impact on the nutrition we get?   Fortunately for the members of the...
World Cervical Screening Awareness Week 2024 Blog 2

World Cervical Screening Awareness Week 2024 Blog 2

By Dr Steph Jones World Cervical Screening Awareness Week started on the 17th of June and this year it runs until my birthday, 23rd June. Cervical cancer is one of the few types of cancer where there is a screening tool available in many countries, that allows us to...
World Cervical Screening Awareness Week 2024

World Cervical Screening Awareness Week 2024

By Hannah Kerfoot and Pasha Yuen World Cervical Screening Awareness Week starts on the 17th of June and runs until the 23rd this year. Cervical cancer is one of the few types of cancer where there is a screening tool available in many countries, that allows us to...
World Blood Donor Day 2024

World Blood Donor Day 2024

By Swetha Babu and Elizabeth Iwuamadi  Every year, the 14th of June is celebrated as World Blood Donor Day. This day was chosen in order to celebrate the birthday of the man who discovered ABO blood types and was awarded the Nobel prize forthat discovery, Karl...
Men’s Health Week

Men’s Health Week

By: Anu Matthew, Pasha Yuen  Men’s Health Week is celebrated annually worldwide and typically falls on the week around Father’s Day, as it does this year. The key aim of this awareness week is to highlight key health issues faced by men, who are notorious for avoiding...
9th Global Pharmacovigilance & RWE Forum

9th Global Pharmacovigilance & RWE Forum

On the 30th and 31st of May 2024, the 9th Global Pharmacovigilance & RWE Forum was held in the Hilton London Kensington. This conference was part of the Pharmacovigilance World Tour by Why Summits conference organisers. Pharmora Principal Scientist John O’Brien...